What’s the deal with Microneedling?

What’s the deal with Microneedling?

It seems that suddenly everyone is buzzing about microneedling. Magazines are writing about it, E is reporting on it, and all of Hollywood seems to be doing it. So what the heck is it? Microneedling, which you may also hear called CIT (Collagen Induction Therapy), is...
Skin Care Wardrobing

Skin Care Wardrobing

Each time I have an initial meeting with someone, I ask certain questions. Among those questions are things like, “how many glasses of water do you drink each day?”, and “do you apply sunscreen daily?” It’s funny, because each time I rattle off my questions there is...
No time? Make yourself a priority!

No time? Make yourself a priority!

Ok friends, we need to talk. I’m concerned about you. Over and over I hear you say that you have no time for you. I also hear you saying that you feel and look tired and that your “age is catching up with you”. We need to stop the hamster wheel! The road to feeling...
Cleaning isn’t just for Spring!

Cleaning isn’t just for Spring!

The night air is crisp, humidity is fading, and pumpkins are appearing on doorsteps.…. it’s officially fall! I know, I know, don’t cry. Summer will be back in just 9 short months and we will be back to shorts and flip flops! In the meantime, this is a great time of...