Body Procedures Before & After Photos

Conveniently located to serve Boston, Cambridge, Peabody, and Manchester

54 year old 2.5 months after mini abdominoplasty, liposuction of Mons, sides and abdomen

37 year old 2 months after mini abdominoplasty, liposuction of sides

63 years old 3 months after mini abdominoplasty and liposuction of sides

37 years old 3 months after mini abdominoplasty and liposuction of sides

64 years old 3 months after mini abdominoplasty and side liposuction

49 year old 3 months after mini abdominoplasty and liposuction of side and abdomen.

27 year old 3 months after labiaplasty

35 year old with major weight loss, 3 months after labiaplasty

26 years old 2 months after labiaplasty

28 years old 3 months after labiaplasty and fat graft to Labia Majora

39 years old 3 months after labiaplasty

30 year old 3 months after labiaplasty

52 years old with left Breast lumpectomy and radiation 2 months after fat graft to bilateral breasts

55 year old 4 months after Fat grafts to breasts

54 year old with bilateral breast reconstruction 2 months after fat graft to upper and inner breasts

40 year old 6 months after Fat graft to bilateral Breasts

42 yr old woman who underwent significant weight loss- after photo taken 6 months post procedure

35 yr old woman who had multiple pregnancies- after photo taken 3 months post procedure

38 yr old woman with C-section scar- after photo taken 1 year post procedure

43 year old after 2 pregnancies, after pictures taken 3 months post procedure

27 year old after significant weight loss, after picture taken 6 weeks post procedure

35 year old after pregnancy with twins, after picture taken 3 months post procedure

45 year old after three pregnancies, after picture taken 3 months post procedure

43 year old after 2 pregnancies, after pictures taken 3 months post procedure

42 year old with breast reduction and abdominoplasty, after pics taken 3 months post procedure

53 year old after 3 pregnancies, after picture taken 3 months post procedure

33 year old 3 months after neck liposuction

49 year old 3 months after liposuction of inner thighs, sides, back and arms

53 year old 3 months after neck liposuction

49 year old 3 months after abdominoplasty and liposuction of back and sides

49 year old 3 months after liposuction of back and sides

30 year old female 3 months S/P liposuction of inner thigh, Knees and anterior thighs.

33 year old 3 months after neck liposuction

49 year old 3 months after liposuction of inner thighs, sides, back and arms

53 year old 3 months after neck liposuction

49 year old 3 months after abdominoplasty and liposuction of back and sides

30 year old female 3 months S/P liposuction of inner thigh, Knees and anterior thighs.

32 year old woman with liposuction of abdomen and thighs

33 year old woman with liposuction of neck

25 year old woman with liposuction of abdomen and sides with breast aug – after picture taken 3 months post procedure

38 year old female liposuction of back and arms, after picture taken 3 months post procedure

26 year old woman with liposuction of abdomen, back, sides, and fat grafting to buttocks- after picture taken 3 months post procedure

44 year old with liposuction of back and breast – after pictures taken 3months post procedure

22 year old with liposuction of abdomen, back, and bilateral sides with fat graft to buttocks.

45 year old with liposuction of back, bilateral sides, and abdomen.26 year old with liposuction of abdomen and bilateral sides.

26 year old with liposuction of abdomen and bilateral sides.

20 year old liposuction of back, abdomen, and bilateral sides – after pictures taken 3months post procedure

28 year old woman with liposuction of abdomen, back, and sides, and fat graft to buttocks- after photo taken 6 months post procedure

39 year old woman with liposuction of abdomen, back, and sides, and fat graft to buttocks- after photo taken 3 months post procedure

26 year old woman with liposuction of abdomen, back, and sides, and fat graft to buttocks- after photo taken 3 months post procedure

22 year old with liposuction of abdomen, back, and bilateral sides with fat graft to buttocks.

26 yr old womane with liposuction of abdomen, back, and sides, and fat graft to buttocks.

65 year old woman with fat graft to hands.

54 year old woman with fat graft to face.

38 year old woman with fat graft to face.

45 Year old 3 months after bilateral breast reduction, mini abdominoplasty and liposuction of abdomen

43 year old 3 months after Bilateral Breast lift and abdominoplasty

44 year old 3 months after bilateral implant exchange using silicone implants, fat graft to left breasts and liposuction of inner thigh

36 year old 3 months after Breasts Augmentation with 270cc silicone implants and liposuction of inner and upper thighs

41 year old 2 years after abdominoplasty, liposuction of sides and Back

53 year old 4 months after Breast reduction, abdominoplasty and liposuctions of sides

56 year old 3 years after abdominoplasty and liposuction of back and sides

43 year old 3 months after Breast Lift, Tummy Tuck and Fat graft to Breasts

36 year old with capsular contracture and deformity; 3 months after capsulectomy, Implant exchange, Breast Lift and Fat graft to Breasts and Abdominoplasty

49 year old 3 months after Abdominoplasty and liposuction of back and sides

45 year old female with 2 pregnancies in the past underwent bilateral breast augmentation using 440 cc silicone gel smooth Xtra implants and abdominoplasty, 6months Postop

45 year old female with 2 pregnancies in the past underwent bilateral breast augmentation using 440 cc silicone gel smooth Xtra implants and abdominoplasty, 6 months Postop

34 year old with abdominoplasty, bilateral breast augmentation and lift, fat graft to upper Breasts, liposuction of back and sides and inner thighs.

36 year old 6 months after bilateral breast lift, Fat graft to breasts, Abdominoplasty, Liposuction of sides and back

54 year old 3 months after Arm lift and breast reduction

45 year old 3 months after Bilateral arm Liposuction and Lift

44 years old 4 months after arm lift and Breast lift

54 year old 3 months after arm lift

47 year old 3 months after Arm Liposuction and Lift

54 year old 3 months after thigh lift and Fat graft to scar

55 year old 3 months after thigh lift and repair some of the deformity she had from prior liposuction elsewhere45 year old 3 months after Thigh Liposuction and Lift

45 year old 3 months after Thigh Liposuction and Lift