I run into women day after day who tell me that they don’t wear any makeup. My question for them, which often is followed by a large moment of silence, is always, “Can I ask why you don’t wear any makeup?” Am I rude? Nosey? NO! I ask for a very specific reason. There’s no shame in wearing a little makeup and there’s no shame in acknowledging that you don’t actually know what the heck to do with it.
I have always loved makeup. I love everything about it; the packaging, the perfect way it looks right when you open it, the way it enhances the features of my face and conceals what I don’t want the world to see……… I love it all. I wear makeup every day, and some people assume that I spends endless amounts of time in the mirror every morning perfecting my look. Guess what…. I don’t. I love what makeup can do for me but I don’t like it to feel heavy, and I refuse to blot, touch up, or reapply my face throughout the day. I want to invest the smallest amount of time possible in the morning on my makeup because I, like you, have things to do and places to be. The great thing is that it’s possible to look great and have it be easy, I promise!
Too many women pass by mirrors throughout the day and think, “wow I look tired”, or “when did I get so old?” Ladies, it’s time to change all of that! No matter how sensitive you think your skin is, or how natural you want to look, I assure you that with a little knowledge and a just a couple of minutes each day, you can pass a mirror and feel a whole lot better about the face looking back at you. Of course I realize that not everyone knows what to do with makeup or how to select the right products, and that’s where I come in!
The beautiful skin that we are working on with top notch skin care products and treatments, will look even better with a little help from makeup. Here’s a little fun fact for you: I don’t just know how to treat skin…….. I know how to “paint” it too! As a professional makeup artist with nearly 15 years of industry experience, I have worked for 2 major cosmetic lines and have helped countless brides, moms, sisters, daughters, and more to look their very best on a special day or any day! I am excited to now be able to unwrap the mystery of makeup for you right here at Aesthetic Plastic Surgery North Shore!
We always strive to provide you with the very best service and experience possible. We know you have makeup questions (you ask them all the time!). Now you can enjoy a private, one-on-one makeup lesson right in our office. We will spend an hour going through your current makeup wardrobe (Don’t have one? Don’t worry!), discussing the “look” you would like to achieve, and enjoying hands on practice at applying makeup in a way that flatters you and feels right. You will leave with detailed instructions, product suggestions, tips and tricks, and knowledge that you have always wanted.
We really do want to help you look and feel your best, and now is the perfect time to put your best face forward!
Give us a call or shoot us an email with questions or to reserve your appointment. Let’s make 2018 your best year yet!
Xo Liza