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Blog Posts

Have you gone too far?

Have you gone too far?

When it comes to makeup, skin care and skin treatments…… is it possible to do too much? To go too far? ABSOLUTELY! Friends, we need to have a chat. You know the saying, “sometimes less is more”? Well that applies to your face too. Allow me to explain. Let’s start with...

What’s the deal with Microneedling?

What’s the deal with Microneedling?

It seems that suddenly everyone is buzzing about microneedling. Magazines are writing about it, E is reporting on it, and all of Hollywood seems to be doing it. So what the heck is it? Microneedling, which you may also hear called CIT (Collagen Induction Therapy), is...

Endings and Beginnings

Endings and Beginnings

It’s that time of year…..the end and the beginning. Funny, isn’t it? Each year we celebrate the New Year arriving, while we say goodbye to the year that’s just passed, and then we move on like it’s all simply another day. In many ways the last day of the year and the...

Unlocking the Makeup Mystery

Unlocking the Makeup Mystery

I run into women day after day who tell me that they don’t wear any makeup. My question for them, which often is followed by a large moment of silence, is always, “Can I ask why you don’t wear any makeup?” Am I rude? Nosey? NO! I ask for a very specific reason....

Skin Care Wardrobing

Skin Care Wardrobing

Each time I have an initial meeting with someone, I ask certain questions. Among those questions are things like, “how many glasses of water do you drink each day?”, and “do you apply sunscreen daily?” It’s funny, because each time I rattle off my questions there is...

No time? Make yourself a priority!

No time? Make yourself a priority!

Ok friends, we need to talk. I’m concerned about you. Over and over I hear you say that you have no time for you. I also hear you saying that you feel and look tired and that your “age is catching up with you”. We need to stop the hamster wheel! The road to feeling...

Cleansing your face…….are you doing it wrong?

Cleansing your face…….are you doing it wrong?

Most people, if asked, would say that they know how to wash their face. It seems pretty basic, right?!? Turn on the water, wash it, dry it, done. Believe it or not there is actually more to it than that. Not necessarily more steps, those we’ve got down, but more...

Why Chemical Peels?

Why Chemical Peels?

Just hearing someone mention a chemical peel sounds scary to a lot of people. I get it. You’ve heard a horror story on the internet of a crazy peel gone wrong, or maybe you just think, “I don’t have time for down time”, or “why would anyone do that to themselves?”...

Products or treatments….which are more important?

Products or treatments….which are more important?

Products or treatments, which is more important is a common question. Let’s talk about the product side first. What you use day in and day out on your face matters. The quality and balance of ingredients, consistency of routine, and how you generally care for and...